Saturday, July 9, 2011

Refugee Camp Testimony: Kelly Dunn

We are all home and recuperating from the long travel and jet lag. There are many stories left that we hope to share with all of you.

At the second refugee camp we split into two teams in the afternoon and visited two nearby camps/villages. Five of us went to minister to 25 kids nearby. When we got there we had to ask for the Pastor who shyly raised his hand. He led us over to the children. It looked like they were in the middle of a school lesson. These kids seemed to be living in the worst conditions yet and everyone was extremely dirty. The spiritual atmosphere seemed heavy and even a little hopeless. We started by singing some fun worship songs together. The kids were so cute as they sang at the top of their lungs. Afterward we broke up into groups and painted nails for the girls, painted faces, and also played with balloons. One of the team members then told the kids a story about hearing God's voice and how God wants to talk to them all the time and led them in some time to listen to the Lord. One woman shared how she had heard God told her how much he loves her. Afterward we crowned each child with these shiny paper crowns we had and explained how they are daughters and sons of the King, making them princes and princesses. The adults came up also to get crowned and seemed very encouraged with the message.

Then the team taught the children how when Jesus was on earth he healed the sick and also told us to do the same. So we first asked their pastor to come up. He had been limping badly so we asked him what was going on. He explained he has had chronic back pain for 8 years and also his leg hurt very badly. He had a wound on his leg. We showed the children how to lay hands on the sick and ask for healing. The Pastor said that all the pain had left and he showed us how he could walk without a limp! Next one of the teachers came up and asked for prayer for his finger which was hurting badly and also had a cut on it. The children prayed again and the teacher lit up as he said all the pain had left. The cut was still on his finger and we felt like he was suppose to go wash his hands as an act of faith that God would close the wound completely. Next we prayed for a younger girl. She said her eye had been injured and since then it has hurt off and on and her vision had been damaged. After the children prayed she said all the pain left and she could see clearly again! Hallelujah! A little girl who had pain in her leg was also healed. We prayed for two boys with malaria. One was in the infirmary and was super hot! After the children prayed he said his head ache had gone away and he followed us out and joined the other kids. We are believing God healed him and cleared him of malaria. We encouraged them that they could do all of this without us because Jesus lives inside of them and to continue to pray for each other.

As we left we felt the spiritual climate had changed and was full of life and hope again. The pastor had a smile on his face while he played his guitar knowing that the God who loved him was with him. Amen! We serve an amazing God whose depths are unfathomable and whose love is so great and mighty.

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